BTBF PSA: #LetsLunchboxLove

        In this PSA, I attempted to convey the process, often based on how different the food is, and the impact, often negative and ostracizing, of cultural foods being teased at school. The idea for this specific theme stems from my growing curiosity on how your social position impacts how you view certain foods. Originally, my thoughts on cultural foods existed in a bubble: this is evident in how I regarded my family’s jollof recipe. The discussions I had with Chris, Brianna and Totemy about their own special recipes helped reinforce this bubble because I was able to relate to the stories that came with those recipes. However, through resources like Magical Dinners: An immigrant Thanksgiving by Chang-rae Lee, which explored the complex feelings that come with assimilation through food, and Munchies: LA’s Oldest Japanese restaurant, which explored the necessity of building a legacy and how to do so, I came to understand that your cultural background influences how you view certain foods. This idea fully bubbled up to the surface through my graphic novel project. I was able to use other resources to flesh out my ideas on why cultural foods are negatively impacted when they become trends despite the seemingly positive outcomes. Moreover, this PSA is the result of my understanding. Many people, for various reasons, can relate to the preciousness of food, especially cultural foods. However, others are on the outside looking in and because their food story is not your food story are unable to relate to the preciousness of their food. They might want to capitalize on the food without protecting its cultural significance or they might become loose with their language. 

        I believed that the genre of a PSA was perfect for addressing how people become careless with their language when looking in from the outside of a culture. PSA’s focus on conveying a message through various methods, one of them being storytelling. Even if I had decided to create a song based PSA I think that my point would have been adequately conveyed- same with if I had chosen animation. This is because PSA’s allow people to see and hear from people. It is also because even before you watch a PSA you expect for it to teach you something. It’s an announcement that is supposed to help you or raise awareness for something. It’s different from an ad because it’s not selling you anything, but rather convincing you to act a certain way. Therefore, with the PSA format I was able to use individual stories to build a bigger narrative regarding how people use language, with a focus on home-packed school lunch. I was still able to back up my claim with evidence, but it wasn’t as intertwined as other mediums. With the message I am trying to convey, storytelling is more needed than statistics.


  1. I really like your PSA . I like the fact that you actually interviewed people for actual results, I also like the music you put in the background to set the mood. I also liked how you connected the food to culture and how talking down on a meal can make people feel self conscious about the things they eat- Shaniyah

  2. Your PSA was incredible. It was clear the message was there and so was the pricised and concised aspect of it. I loved the statistcs whie also putting short stories from people around. I think that was a great technique! Great job!- Jaleel Cardoso

  3. I like your PSA I like how you interviewed each person and found the common denominator they all shared. I also love the short stories other people said and the statistics you inputted. -Kayla

  4. I LOVE THIS! Not only because I was featured but because of the message behind it and the common feeling that children from different non-white backgrounds face.-Tiph

  5. Honestly, I'm not surprised with how well your video came out and the topic you chose to focus on. This topic is real and happening all throughout America and we need to speak up about it. The background music and your videos really connected well together. Nice job. -Briana

  6. I love the message behind the video and how relevant it is today at schools. I enjoy the interviews as it makes the PSA very grounded in the sense that everyone can somewhat relate to the problem at hand. I love how you used past assignments and teachings in the class to help guide the message you conveyed, it really shows how you are not doing these assignments just for the sake of it being an assignment but you are using it to grow as a writer. - Christopher Cardenas

  7. This is an amazing video and a way to show how students within a community can have the same views on a specific subject.- Christelle

  8. I like how you ask different people the same questions to see what response you would get. -Josue


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